Development Boards

Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 Development Kit Type A, CM3 IO Board, DS18B20, IR Remote Controller. The key parts in this Compute Module 3 development kit includes: Compute Module 3: Raspberry Pi 3 industrial version, the Pi in a flexible form factor, with 4GB eMMC Flash. Compute Module IO Board Plus: Extend kinds of interfaces from CM3, such as USB, HDMI, just like the regular Pi, to help evaluating.
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Features: Mounting holes for adding spacers or standoffs. 5v Regulator for Arduino Nano with 2.1mm DC socket. AMS1117 regulator for NRF24L01. Analog Pins and Digitals Pins easily accessible. Offers Bluetooth or Wireless functionality. *** (XBEE and NRF24L01 are sold separately).
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This clear transparent enclosure is made specifically to accept the Raspberry PI 3 B module. 3.90 x 2.75 x 1.23in (99 mm x 69 mm x 31 mm).
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This black enclosure is made specifically to accept the Raspberry PI 3 B module. 3.90 x 2.75 x 1.23in (99 mm x 69 mm x 31 mm).
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This breakout employs MCP42100 internally manufactured with two individual 100K digital pot. It features as small dimension and low power consumption. With our tutorial and sample code provided, you can quickly apply this module to your project. Compared to the traditional mechanical potentiometer, the digital pot features as flexible (program control), small size (ICs) and high reliability (without mechanical parts). It can replace the tradition one in many applications. Digital pot is usually used to change the sound volume in audio devices, such as smart loudspeaker, cell phone, and music player.
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This is the Adafruit METRO with headers.  It comes with headers soldered on.  It's a fully assembled and tested board with through-hole headers attached.  METRO is the culmination of years of playing with AVRs: we wanted to make a development board that is easy to use and is hacker friendly. At the heart is an ATmega328P, with 32KB of flash and 2KB of RAM, running at 16 MHz.
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At the Feather 328P's heart is an ATmega328P clocked at 8 MHz and at 3.3V logic, a chip setup we've had tons of experience with as it's the same as the Pro Mini and similar to the Adafruit Metro 328. This chip has 32K of flash and 2K of RAM, and we paired it with a SiLabs CP2104 to give it USB-to-Serial program & debug capability built in. Works great when you want to keep your classic Arduino code compatibility, but want to use one of our dozens of FeatherWings To make it easy to use for portable projects, we added a connector for any of our 3.7V Lithium polymer batteries and built in battery charging. You don't need a battery, it will run just fine straight from the micro USB connector. But, if you do have a battery, you can take it on the go, then plug in the USB to recharge. The Feather will automatically switch over to USB power when its available. We also tied the battery thru a divider to an analog pin, so you can measure and monitor the battery voltage to detect when you need a recharge.
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Aww yeah, it's the Feather you have been waiting for, and now with stacking headers! The HUZZAH32 is our ESP32-based Feather, made with the official WROOM32 module. We packed everything you love about Feathers: built in USB-to-Serial converter, automatic bootloader reset, Lithium Ion/Polymer charger, and just about all of the GPIOs brought out so you can use it with any of our Feather Wings. This version of the ESP32 Feather comes with stacking headers already soldered in. That module nestled at the end of this Feather contains a dual-core ESP32 chip, 4 MB of SPI Flash, tuned antenna, and all the passives you need to take advantage of this powerful new processor. The ESP32 has both WiFi and Bluetooth Classic/LE support. That means it's perfect for just about any wireless or Internet-connected project.
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Would you like to learn electronics, with an all-in-one board that has sensors and LEDs built in? Circuit Playground is here - and it's the best way to practice programming on real hardware with no soldering or sewing required! This is the Classic version of Circuit Playground, which comes with an ATmega32u4. It's designed to be used with Arduino IDE and code.orgCS Discoveries only. It even comes with Firmata already programmed in, so you can use it immediately with Discoveries without any preparation or updates.
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Circuit Playground Express is the next step towards a perfect introduction to electronics and programming. We've taken the original Circuit Playground Classic and made it even better! Not only did we pack even more sensors in, we also made it even easier to program. Start your journey with Microsoft MakeCode block-based or Javascript programming. Then, you can use the same board to try CircuitPython, with the Python interpreter running right on the Express. As you progress, you can advance to using Arduino IDE, which has full support of all the hardware down to the low level, so you can make powerful projects. At this time, this board does not support Firmata/ - please use the Classic Circuit Playground (3000-ADA) if you are teaching's curriculum.
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This is a tiny, stylish, adjustable camera mount for the Raspberry Pi camera! The hole on the back plate makes it ideal for desktop or light tripod use. The mounting holes allow for four different mounting positions so you can pick the angle that satisfy your taste. This kit includes four nylon screws to Secure the Raspberry Pi Camera. The bottom plate has a 1/4 inch hole for tripod mounting (required mounting nut is NOT included).  The kit comes complete with 5 x M2 nuts, 5 x M2 bolts and 2 x black acrylic mounting plates. Note: Camera is not included.
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USBtinyISP is designed for AVR ,based on USB connector's ISP downloader.   Officially supported by for Arduino IDE and compatible with USBtinyISP, we can burn Arduino bootloader onto chips, and practically program any Atmel AVR microcontroller by this powerful AVR ISP programmer. The Tiny ISP Programmer is able to provide the 5V power supply voltage to the board being programmed. If you want to power the board through the ISP you have to close the SJVCC jumper on the board.  With this programmer you can upload sketches and burn the bootloader on any AVR based boards (including Arduinos). By uploading a sketch with an external programmer you can remove the bootloader and use the extra space for your sketch. The for Arduino ISP can also be used to burn the for Arduino bootloader, so you can recover your chip if you accidentally corrupt the bootloader. Burning the bootloader is also necessary when you use a new ATmega microcontroller in your for Arduino, and you wish to use the bootloader to upload a sketch via the USB-Serial connection.
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DFRobot FireBeetle series are low power consumption microcontrollers designed for Internet of Things (IoT) development. FireBeetle Covers-DC Motor & Stepper Driver is a DC motor & Stepper Motor driver designed for FireBeetle Microcontrollers. It can control up to four-channels DC motors / two-phase four-wire stepper motors simultaneously. The motor driver cover integrates a STM8 as its coprocessor, controlling the motor speed and direction. It communicates with Microcontroller via IIC port, supports up 1000Hz refresh rate. The assisted processor STM8 controls motors and set the main control free. It effectively reduces the dependence on MCU pin resources and MCU occupancy. Independant motor control make the multi-motors projects more affordable. Cooperate with DFRobot Arduino Motor Library, it will reduce your development difficulty.
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DFRobot FireBeetle series are low power consumption controllers designed for Internet of Things (IoT) development. The FireBeetle series are aiming straight at the point fast and convenient low-power IoT building. There are three categories of FireBeetle series, containing Boards (main control), Covers (expansion boards) and related Accessories.  FireBeetle LoRa 915MHz wireless transmission module adopts a high-performance chip SX127x LoRa 915MHz and with built-in PA (power amplifier) gain, compatible with Aruino. It supports long-range monitor, FSK modulation and the maximum transmission rate is 300K[null bps]. It also supports LoRaTM, the maximum transmission rate is 37.5Kbps. The circuit current is even lower than 0.2uA in the low power mode. It can be widely used in remote home automation detection, health monitoring and wearable device and so on.
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DFRobot FireBeetle series are low power consumption controllers designed for Internet of Things (IoT) development. The FireBeetle series are aiming straight at the point fast and convenient low-power IoT building. There are three categories of FireBeetle series, containing Boards (main control), Covers (expansion boards) and related Accessories.  FireBeetle LoRa 433MHz wireless transmission module adopts a high-performance chip SX127x LoRa 433MHz and with built-in PA (power amplifier) gain, compatible with Aruino. It supports long-range monitor, FSK modulation and the maximum transmission rate is 300K[null bps]. It also supports LoRaTM, the maximum transmission rate is 37.5Kbps. The circuit current is even lower than 0.2uA in the low power mode. It can be widely used in remote home automation detection, health monitoring and wearable device and so on.
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