Arduino Educational Kits

Arduino UNO Educational Kit

This is ABRA's very own Arduino Educational Kit, a comprehensive instructional package which contains a ton of components with an online pdf manual to explain how each component interacts with the included Arduino. The kit contains all the pieces needed to complete 33 lessons in the 200 page manual.

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Maze Solving Smart Car Robot DIY Kit

ABRA’s Maze Solving Robot Kit contains all the components necessary to build a smart car which solves complex puzzle mazes on its own in order to reach it’s destination. This autonomous robot runs on an Arduino UNO (ABRAUNO) and includes ultrasonic sensors and an LCD display.

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Arduino MEGA Educational Kit

This is ABRA's very own Arduino Mega 2560 Educational Kit, a comprehensive instructional package which contains a ton of components with an online pdf manual to explain how each component interacts with the included Arduino MEGA. The kit contains all the pieces needed to complete 33 lessons in the 200 page manual.



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