Arduino MEGA Educational Kit

UL and CSA Approved

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This is ABRA's very own Arduino Mega 2560 Educational Kit, a comprehensive instructional package which contains a ton of components with an online pdf manual to explain how each component interacts with the included Arduino MEGA. The kit contains all the pieces needed to complete 33 lessons in the 200 page manual. Components come in a sturdy plastic case.

Unlike almost all Arduino Educational Kits out there, this kit comes with a Power Supply with UL and CSA approval, which is a requirement for many schools.

What makes this Arduino MEGA 2560 so unique is that it does not require an FTDI driver USB-to-Serial driver chip. Instead, it features the ATmega16U2 programmed as a USB-to-serial converter which makes it very easy to use and upload new programs. Unlike the inexpensive Arduino Uno which uses the CH340 Chipset that you can find on some online retail websites, this one offers no hassle or additional drivers to run. An excellent choice for beginners so they invest themselves much more in the coding and less on the driver configurations..

ARD-MEGA-KIT Manual Download

Code is at GitHub:  


0 Installing IDE
1 Add libraries and open serial monitor
2 Blink
5 Digital inputs
6 Active buzzer
7 Passive buzzer
8 Tilt ball switch
9 Servo
10 Ultrasonic sensor module
11 Membrane switch module
12 DHT11 Temperature and humidity sensor
13 Analog joystick module
14 IR receiver module
15 MAX7219 LED Dot matrix module
16 GY-521 Module
17 HC-SR501 PIR sensor
18 Water level detection sensor module
19 Real time clock module
20 Sound sensor module
21 RC522 RFID module
22 LCD display
23 Thermometer
24 Eight LED with 74HC595
25 Serial monitor
26 Photocell
27 74HC595 and segment display
28 Four digital seven segment display
29 DC Motors
30 Relay
31 Stepper motor
32 Controlling stepper motor with remote
33 Controlling stepper motor with rotary encoder

List of Included Components:

ARDUINO MEGA 2560 Compatible
SG-92R Servo motor(SG90)
MOT-28BYJ48 Stepper motor with driver
PSM-297 Power supply module
PSC12R-090 9V 1A power supply
SENS-PIR PIR motion sensor
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor
MOT-500 3V Motor
ARD-MAX7219 MAX7219 Module
WL-110 21 Key Remoter
SENS-25 Gyro sensor
JW-75 65 Jumper wires
SENS-78 Water level sensor
334-103 Thermistor
SENS-53 Tilt switch
MAN74 1 Digit 7-segment Display
LED-102 4 Digit 7-segment Display
SENS-42 Sound sensor module
LCD-MOD-11 16x2 LCD module
L293D Motor driver IC chip
74HC595 8 Bit shift register
BUZ-120 Active buzzer
BUZ-125 Passive buzzer
ARD-DS3231 RTC module
SENS-DHT11-BB Temperature and humidity module
AM-127 Rotary encoder moudle
AM-JOYSTICK Joystick module
KB-MEM-4x4 Matrix keypad
AM-133 5V Relay module
SENS-76 TSOP1838 37.9KHz IR receiver
MOT-PROP-S Small fan cap
BAT-C-01 Battery connector wire
ABRA-12-LC 830 Point Breadboard
PHOTO-300 Photo resistor
3386P-1-103SH Potentiometer
PBS-175  Pushbutton tact switches 
JW-MF-20 20pcs female to male Dupont wire
SENS-26 RFID module with tag
LED-5G Green LED
LED-5W White LED
LED-5Y Yellow LED
------ Resistors

ARD-MEGA-KIT Manual (ARD-MEGA-KIT-Manual_compressed.pdf, 9,108 Kb) [Download]

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