Development Boards

The ADS1115 are precision analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with 16 bits of resolution offered in an ultra-small, an MSOP-10 package. 
Data are transferred via an I2C-compatible serial interface, four I2C slave addresses can be selected, it operate from a single power supply at 3.3V.
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This module features an infrared emitting diode and a phototransistor are diagonally arranged into this device, to allow it to detect the reflected light of dust in air.
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Jump-start your IoT development with the Omega2 Starter Kit, it includes everything you need to create 8 circuits that will teach you how to control LEDs, read inputs, control and read external sensors and displays, learn Python, and much more. Step by step instructions for building each circuit with the included parts can be found in the online Starter Kit Guide. Each Kit includes an Omega2+, an Expansion Dock, and a variety of electronics components that belong in the collection of every student of IoT, all nicely packed up in a stylish plastic carrying case.
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The DS28E17 is a 1-Wire slave to I2C master bridge device that interfaces directly to I2C slaves at standard (100kHz max) or fast (400kHzmax). Data transfers serially by means of the 1-Wire® protocol, which requires only a single data lead and a ground return.
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This is a simple pack of five Yellow LilyPad LEDs that allow to be sewed into clothing or whatever else you can dream up.

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This is a simple pack of five Green LilyPad LEDs that allow to be sewed into clothing or whatever else you can dream up.

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This is a simple pack of five Blue LilyPad LEDs that allow to be sewed into clothing or whatever else you can dream up.
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This is a simple pack of five Red LilyPad LEDs that allow to be sewed into clothing or whatever else you can dream up.
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This motor driver module can handle up to 48 volts and handle a maximum of 1 amp of current. Based on the L6201, a full bridge drive controller board allowing for backwards and forwards motion which is similar to the L298N.
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This is a microcontroller that has the CP2102 USB to UART chip for easy programming capabilities, the user only needs to install Arduino IDE to use this device.
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This is an enclosed, ready to go, PWM speed controller. It is capable of driving a DC motor ranging from 10 to 60 Volt DC at a maximum amperage of 10A. Four mounting holes make this unit easily mounted on a wall or board. A detachable four pin screw-in terminal block makes powering the unit and connecting the motor a fairly easy job.
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The is the next step to the FTDI FT232RL, offering JTAG options for hobbyist who need an affordable option to work with their ST Microcontrollers.
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The FTDI chip that allows your microcontroller to communicate to your PC. Commonly used for Arduino Nano series microcontrollers or standalone Atmel and Pic Microcontrollers.
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Touch pHAT has six capacitive touch buttons, each with a bright white LED, designed to be completely agnostic about what they're used for. You can even use a dry erase pen to write on the pads to label their function. It uses the CAP1166 capacitive touch and LED driver chip. The LEDs have been under-mounted and shine through exposed sections of the PCB to give a pleasing yellow-green glow and a completely smooth top surface! Use Touch pHAT as a controller for your robot, a controller for your Mote lights, a tiny drum machine, or use it to build a simple game where you have to taps the buttons to repeat the sequence of lights that just flashed.
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This Raspberry Pi Camera supports all revisions of the Pi, it has got a infrared LED that makes it a great PI camera for outoor and indor projects.
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