Development Boards

The 7-segment for micro:bit is a four digit 7-segment display for micro:bit. You can use it to display numbers, but it can also display letters and other characters!
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Features: 5inch IPS screen, 800x480 hardware resolution. Compatible with Raspberry Pi 2B/3B/3B+/3A+/Zero/Zero W/Zero WH. The LCD is directly driven by Raspberry Pi DPI interface, refresh rate up to 60Hz. Supports Raspbian, Ubuntu, OSMC, etc. Backlight can be turned off to lower power consumption. Compact size, suit for various projects.
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The UART TO ETH module provides an easy way to communicate between UART and Ethernet, it can be configured via web page.
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The RS485 TO ETH module provides an easy way to communicate between RS485 and RJ45 port Ethernet, it can be configured via webpage.
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The RS232/485 TO ETH is an industrial RS232/RS485 to Ethernet converter, which allows bi-directional transparent data transmission between RS232/RS485 and RJ45 port Ethernet, even at the same time, it can be configured via webpage.
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This is a Raspberry Pi GNSS HAT which supports Multi-GNSS systems: GPS, BDS, and QZSS, with advantages such as fast positioning, high accuracy, low power consumption, and so on. It is an easy way to enable global positioning function for your Raspberry Pi.
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This is a breakout board for the L3G4200D low-power three-axis angular rate sensor.
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The Pmod ESP32 provides an easy and cost effective way to add wireless communication to any host platform or project. It uses the fully certified ESP-WROOM-32 Wi-Fi + BLE + BT module from Espressif Systems. It is suitable for a wide variety of applications, from low-power sensor networks to more demanding tasks such as music streaming. The Pmod form factor is perfect for quickly turning your board into a powerful IoT platform using the pre-loaded AT command firmware, or for evaluating the ESP32 radio itself. The ESP-WROOM-32 can be used successfully as a peripheral or as a standalone device.
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The Digilent Pmod NAV uses the LSM9DS1 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis magnetometer, plus the LPS25HB digital barometer to provide users with 10-DOF functionality. The Pmod NAV provides a variety of orientation related data, allowing users to easily determine the exact position the module is in and where it is headed. With 16-bit full scale registers for acceleration, rotation, and orientation, and 24 bits of resolution for pressure data, users can easily figure out if their moving robot is falling over, how high in the air their hot air balloon is located, or which direction they are facing.
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The Pmod HYGRO is a relative humidity sensor with integrated temperature sensor for highly accurate measurements at low power. With the TI HDC1080, you can determine the relative humidity of the environment with up to 14 bits of resolution. The Pmod HYGRO is designed to digitally report the relative humidity and ambient temperature upon request by the host board. Up to 14 bits of resolution for each sensor may be collected by allowing for longer conversion times. A resistive heating element can be enabled to test the sensor or to drive off condensation that accumulates on the sensor after being consistently exposed to high humidity conditions
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The Digilent Pmod TC1 is a cold-junction thermocouple-to-digital converter module designed for a classic K-Type thermocouple wire. With Maxim Integrated's MAX31855, this module reports the measured temperature in 14-bits with 0.25°C resolution.
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The Pmod OLEDrgb features a 96 x 64 pixel RGB OLED display that is capable of 16-bit color resolution. As a graphical display, users may show off graphs, full-color pictures, text, and anything else they want to see by communicating with it through a standard SPI interface. This module uses the ug-9664hddag01 display from Univision Technology Inc. and Solomon Systech SSD1331 display controller.
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The Digilent Pmod BLE is a powerful peripheral module meant for use with any UART enabled development board. This Pmod employs the Roving Networks RN4781 to create a fully integrated Bluetooth Low Energy interface. This chip features an onboard Bluetooth stack that makes connecting and communicating with any Bluetooth 4.X device possible through simple UART commands. The RN4781 also features four built-in GATT services: Device Information, Airpatch, BeaconThings, and UART Transparent data streaming. It also allows up to five custom public services and up to four custom private services, each allowing up to eight custom characteristics. The Pmod BLE is an affordable, versatile, low energy addition to the wireless Pmod library.
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The Impedance Analyzer for Analog Discovery was designed with automatically adjusting reference resistors and relays to aid in use of the Impedance Analyzer tool in WaveForms. With the Impedance Analyzer accessory, the Analog Discovery will automatically select the most appropriate configuration for the attached unknown impedance. The Impedance Analyzer is loaded with the 2×15 Analog Discovery connector, which makes it compatible with Analog Discovery 2 as well as Analog Discovery Legacy.
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The BNC Adapter Board for the Analog Discovery is intended to be used with the Analog Discovery™ tool to enable the use of standard BNC-terminated test leads and probes. It provides BNC terminations to each of the two oscilloscope channels on the Analog Discovery. Each channel of the oscilloscope can be selected as AC or DC coupled by adjusting the jumper that is located behind that channel's BNC input connector. In addition, the two AWG channels are also equipped with BNC terminations, and each channel can have either the 50-ohm or the 0-ohm termination selected. This enables the user to match the Analog Discovery's output impedance with either standard 50-ohm test leads or to be directly tied to the lead.
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