
geeekus 90 Degrees Analog Servo Motor 9G

The geeekus 90 degeree 9G servo motor comes with a set of 4 horns (unlike similar SG90 servos which come with 3) and is excellent for students, hobbyists or educators who want to make stuff move. The servo has three interfaces,distinguished by brown, red and orange line (sometimes colors differ). Brown line is for GND, red one for power 5V, orange one for signal terminal (PWM signal).

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Metal Gear Digital Servo for Arduino Robot with Hardware

This is a high quality digital robot servo. Included are U shaped brackets and aluminum servo round horn set spline 25T. This servo is used in robots or where standard servos are used. This servo can produce high-current draw from your batteries. If using NiMH or LiPo batteries, make sure they are capable of delivering approximately 2A for each servo. This servo also has different applications for DIY robot. Learn More


Continuous rotation servo and wheel combo

This kit includes the FS90R-W Wheel and the FS90R Servo.

FS90R: Micro 360 Degree Continuous Rotation Servo

The FS90R is a micro-sized servo built for continuous rotation. At 6 V, it has a maximum rotation speed of around 130 RPM (no-load) and can produce up to 21 oz-in (1.5 kg-cm) of torque.

FS90R-W: Wheel for FEETECH FS90R Micro Servo, 60×8mm - Black

Designed specifically for use with FS90R micro continuous rotation servos from FEETECH (formerly known as Fitec), and the combination can serve as a small, inexpensive, and easy-to-control drive system for a miniature robot.

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