The geeekus L298N Dual Motor Driver allows full control of two DC Motors or one stepper-motor. Coupling the L298N H-Bridge with our geeekus Arduino UNO will give you the ability to control both the speed and rotation direction of two DC motors.
This L298 based DC motor controller board allows users to attach an external power source to power DC motors that require a little bit more current. Plug in an external power source up to 12VDC with a max current of 2A. The IC onboard contains two h-bridges allowing the control of two independent motors or four motors with two in one direction. Its’ massive heatsink size allows for high current applications and can be controlled from a 5v microcontroller by sending PWM signals.
To get this system operational simply connect four digital pins into IN1, IN2, IN3 and IN4. ENA and ENB does not need to be connected to 5v as long as the jumper remains seated on the 5V-EN pin. The green screw terminals on the other side allows users to connect two motors and power from a 5v source or higher by inserting the power leads into the blue terminal block with VMS and GND pin.
The L298N Dual H-bridge motor driver module has an onboard (internal) 5V regulator which is either enabled or disabled using a 5V regulator jumper. If the exernal motor supply voltage is up to 12V we can enable the onboard (internal) 5V regulator and the +5V pin can be used as output, for example for powering your Arduino board. But if the external motor power voltage is greater than 12V we must disconnect the 5V jumper because those voltages will cause damage to the onboard (internal) 5V regulator. Please note that L298N IC makes a voltage drop of about 2V. So for example, if we use a 12V power supply, the voltage at motors terminals will be about 10V, which means that we won’t be able to get the maximum speed out of our 12V DC motor.
- Working mode: H bridge (double lines)
- Control chip: L298N (ST)
- Logical voltage: 5V
- Driving voltage: 5V-35V
- Logical current: 0mA-36mA
- Driving current: 2A (MAX single bridge)
- Storage temperature: (-20 °C)-(+135 °C)
- Maximum power: 25W
- Dimensions: 59 x 55 x 28mm
Sample Code:
int IN1=5; int IN2=6; int IN3=7; int IN4=8; int ENA=9; int ENB=10; void setup() { for (int i = 5; i <11; i ++) { pinMode(i, OUTPUT); } } void loop() { // rotate CW digitalWrite(IN1,LOW); digitalWrite(IN2,HIGH); analogWrite(ENA,200); digitalWrite(IN3,LOW); digitalWrite(IN4,HIGH); analogWrite(ENB,200); delay(1000); // pause for 1S analogWrite(ENA,0); analogWrite(ENB,0); delay(1000); // rotate CCW digitalWrite(IN1,HIGH); digitalWrite(IN2,LOW); analogWrite(ENA,100); digitalWrite(IN3,HIGH); digitalWrite(IN4,LOW); analogWrite(ENB,100); delay(1000); // pause for 1S analogWrite(ENA,0); analogWrite(ENB,0); delay(1000); }