This kit has two super bright white LEDs which produce a powerful flash effect.
This kit allows you to plug any 110V light or string of lights (up to 100 watts) into the socket and watch the interesting light effect as lights alternate between bright and dim. Great for displays or holiday lights.
This kit has an Ultra bright Xenon flash tube and an adjustable flash rate. Simple board construction includes a variable flash rate control from 2-20 flashes per second.
This is a general purpose low-cost thermostat with NTC temperature sensor and output relay with LED-indicator.
This is a great hands-on educational kit which teaches how Solar Energy works with it's comprehensive training manual. Includes 8 solar panels. Comprehensive training manual included. Starts at the beginning of solar power technology.
This kit is an ideal introduction into SMD (Surface Mounted Device) technology. Features: Miniature size gadget. 2 LEDs flash alternately. Great as attention grabber. And more.
This kit teaches soldering and desoldering techniques and component identification.
This kit features red 7 segment LED displays in a modern attractive case. Automatic timebase selection gives you the option of internal or line-frequency controlled 50/60Hz. Internal timebase has a fine tuning adjustment for precision time keeping.
This is the size of a dime, yet transmits both sides of a phone conversation to any FM radio. No battery needed. Requires soldering.
Unique design allows you to place parts over its corresponding symbol on the PC board. Teaches the basic theory of AM radio operation. Detailed instructions and illustrations make it an easy and educationally sound project. This kit requires soldering.
The Crawling Microbug Kit is always hungry for light, it drives towards it. Features include: Two open chassis sub-miniature motors. Adjustable light-sensitivity suits almost any light condition and allows to control it's 'bug-like' behavior. Adjustable speed. Choose between two different walks. And more.
This is a high quality power supply with a continuously variable regulated output voltage adjustable from 0 and 30V DC. Its design is based on three Op‐Amps and incorporates anelectronic output current limiter that effectively limits the output current to from 0 to a maximum of 1.5A.
This has three fully regulated DC supply outputs and two AC center tap outputs. Same as XP-720 in Kit Form. Two DC outputs are continuously variable and one is fixed. Both AC outputs are fixed. Specs: Output DC: 1) 1.5VDC - 15VDC @ 1Amp, 2) -1.5VDC to -15VDC, 3) 5VDC @ 3 Amps. Output AC: 1) 6.3VAC @ 1Amp, 2) 12.6VAC @ 1Amp. Input: 110VAC (line cord included). Includes full enclosure and knobs. Features short circuit protection on all supplies. Variable DC outputs can be stacked to get 3-30VDC @ 1Amp.
This kit has signal output: sine wave, triangle, square wave and integrator (selectable through jumper). Also: signal frequency: about 1kHz (fixed) and output level: adjustable from 0 to 100mVrms (LEVEL potentiometer).