Educational Kits/ Trainers

The Rollarm Kit for Arduino is designed for mass hobbyists to learn robot arm control. With the open source MCU Arduino UNO and a servo expansion board, the robot arm is easy to use and full of fun. You can control its four axes by the 4 potentiometers on the handle, as well as make them move on your computer. In addition, it can memorize the movements it's made and repeat again and again, making it a great tool for repeated tasks.
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The Rollpaw kit is a simple solution for projects that need small grippers. It is driven by two 9g SunFounder servos: one to control the jaws to open and close, and the other to control the rotating of the paw. When the jaws is fully stretched, the maximum distance is 60mm, which means it can grip an object with a 60-mm diameter. The joints of the two jaws are all connected with self-locking nuts, so that they would not fall off easily during the rotating and keep the paw "safe and sound". The Rollpaw is easy to assemble and use with the code provided.
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Your 5V system can wield great power with this big, beefy relay board. How does 10A on the NC contacts and 20A on the NO contacts at 220VAC sound? The SparkFun Beefcake Relay Control Kit contains all the parts you need to get your high-power load under control. Only minimal assembly is required! The heart of the board is a sealed, SPDT 20A/10A Relay. The relay is controlled by 5V logic through a transistor, and an LED tells you when the relay is closed.
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EcoDuino is evolving. Now the EcoDuino has an enclosure. It is protected from water splashes, so it is safe to use beside your plants. The Ecoduino now sports an Atmega32U4 which eliminiates the requirement of an adapter. And sketches can simply uploaded via Mirco USB just like Arduino Leonado. Another improvment is that the DS18B20 sensor is now driectly supported. EcoDuino is designed by DFRobot to help you grow plants. By using a series of microcontrollers, sensors and actuators, the EcoDuino system can make your eeforts to grow plants much easier.
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This little device is a frequency counter and crystal frequency tester. It comes with a transparent acrylic enclosure and is simple to assemble. This device is also based on the PIC16F628A allowing users to remove and use the microchip for future uses. It also comes with a 2.1mm connector to USB power from a laptop or desktop. Using the pushbutton you have multiple options available, including the option to save previous measurement!
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This kit allows users to practice on their soldering skills and build a useful and small tool. This kit uses the 555 IC that acts as a timer for creating pulse width modulated clocks. Connect VDC of what the motor runs at (16VDC MAX) to power the board with a maximum current of 5 AMPS and control the speed of the motor at the output. The board also comes with an LED to indicate the duty cycle that it is adjusted to.
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This kit will give the user the opportunity to adjust 0V to 28 VDC. This power supply must be connected to a transformer in order to receive a 24VAC with a maximum current of 2A. Not only does this kit allow you to adjust the desired current and voltage using the potentiometers available on the board, it also comes with an LCD screen which shows the specific current and voltage output so you will not need to use a multi-meter. This kit is also certainly a perfect choice for those who wish to improve their soldering technique as there are different components to solder.
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This kit will give the user the opportunity to obtain 0V-30V DC power. This power supply requires a 24VAC input which can be acquired through a transformer connected to a main source. Moreover, this kit will specifically allow you to adjust the desired current and voltage using the potentiometers available on the board. This kit is also certainly a perfect choice for those who wish to improve their soldering technique since there are different components to solder. However, be aware that the installation of this product remains dangerous since it involves high amounts of current and voltage.
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This kit will give the user the opportunity to test the frequency of a crystal. The various features of this kit such as adding or subtracting an offset frequency, which can be accessed through its programming mode, will also allow you to use this device in a shortwave receiver or transceiver. This kit is also certainly a perfect choice for those who wish to improve their soldering technique since there are different components to solder.
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This 4x4x4 D.I.Y L.E.D Cube is definitely the perfect educational kit if you wish to obtain a dazzling final product and if, above all, you would like to improve your soldering skills. The creation of the four L.E.D columns gives you the opportunity to perfect your soldering techniques since it can be quite challenging to obtain the perfect arrangement of the columns and to hold the L.E.Ds in place for the process.
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This Arduino Introductory Kit contains the basic components, all explained by an excellent 35 page color manual,  required to initiate you into the wonderful world of Arduino. This kit does not contain an Arduino UNO.
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This is an action-packed and low-cost Arduino Kit. It includes all the components required to not only get you started, but also to allow you to deep-dive into more advanced components like RFIDs. It does not include an instruction manual. However at this point Arduino is so popular that a Google search on how to use any component will result in many tutorials.

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The SparkFun PicoBoard Starter Kit is your go-to source to begin learning everything about the SparkFun PicoBoard and the Scratch programming environment. This kit includes your very own PicoBoard, multiple pieces of hardware to get you started, and connecting components to get you hooked up. Using the Scratch programming language, you can easily create simple interactive programs based on the input from sensors. The PicoBoard incorporates a light sensor, sound sensor, a button and a slider, as well as four additional inputs that can sense electrical resistance via included cables.
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Build your own pocket size Inductance, Capacitance and Resistance meter as well as an equivalent series resistance meter jam packed into a single tiny unit. The instruction manual gives a basic outlook of how to toggle into each mode and select the function you desire. This device also offers the option to have a function generator that can go from mHz upto Khz to a max of 2000KHz!
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Build your own digital ammeter and improve your skills in soldering with this D.I.Y kit. This device acts as a current measurement display unit that can measure up to 2 amps. Following our basic and straight forward guide you just have to solder the components into place to get your own ammeter up and running. We also provided a basic black housing for you to put your ammeter into.
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