Educational Kits


This kit is for making your own breadboard-friendly very low dropout adjustable power supply.  A good power supply is essential to electronic projects. While there are many existing designs for adjustable power supplies, this one makes improvements that make it more useful for hobby designs.

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This clock kit is a open source platform for designing clock display and others. MONOCHRON® is a new clock kit from Adafruit! This easy kit is easily hackable to do whatever you wish, it's a clock platform - have fun! 128x64 LCD (KS0108) - we special-ordered the black and white display!

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Make your own iPod/iPhone/GPS/etc... battery-pack and recharger! This project includes all the electronic parts necessary to build your own MintyBoost: a small & simple (but very powerful) USB charger for your iPod (or other mp3 player), camera, cell phone, and any other gadget you can plug into a USB port to charge.
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With ABRA's best selling Alarm Kit you learn basic electronic principles while building a simple burglar alarm to protect your house, room, close or windows.

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With ABRA's best selling Automatic Nightlight Kit you learn basic electronic principles while mastering the darkness.

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ABRA and OOMLOUT'S Experimenter's Kit for Arduino UNO provides students and teachers with an affordable and comprehensive introduction to programmable electronics. This kit includes all the pieces needed to complete 11 different circuits, along with an experimenter's guide booklet and breadboard layout sheets. Basically everything you need to be playing within minutes of its arrival.

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This kit contains all the components and instructions to assemble a fully functioning Arduino Uno on a breadboard. This is an excellent kit for those who want to undesrstand how an Arduino works by making one from scratch.

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ABRA's translucent Arduino and Breadboard acrylic plate holds an Arduino Uno (or any with a compatible footprint) next to a half size breadboard (like the ABRA-6).

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This kit makes your Arduino the onboard brain of a mobile robot. Learn robotics, electronics, and programming with this versatile kit and its accompanying step-by-step lessons. The Board of Education Shield plugs into your own Arduino (not included) and mounts on the popular Boe-Bot robot chassis. With this kit and your own Arduino module, you can follow the Robotics with the Board of Education Shield for Arduino lessons with over 40 hands-on activities.

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This USB breadboard power supply kit provides power source from any USB port and outputs a fuse protected and regulated 3.3V. The .1" headers are mounted on the bottom of the PCB for simple insertion into a breadboard. Pins labeled 5V/GND 3.3V/GND plug directly into the power lines.

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The Worcester Circuit Board Kit contains all the components necessary to quickly construct a variety of circuits. This Worcester Board provides the basis for clear layouts of electrical circuits and reduces the number of connecting leads required. The main component is a base board fitted with cell holders and terminal posts. 

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Imagine creating a 3-phase wind turbine from a common, everyday roof ventilator along with some magnets and coils of wire. That's what PicoTurbine has created for your study of wind technology. We chose the Whirlybird ™ roof ventilator for several reasons including: it has great bearings that simply will not wear out under normal - and even severe - use. Without great bearings your wind turbine is always fighting friction that only serves to slow it down with the incidental loss of power.

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This is an LED-based “candle” that cycles through all the colors of the rainbow. The LectroCandle is a simple, through-hole kit, comprised mainly of 3 RGB LEDs and an ATtiny85 to control them.

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This is the comprehensive guide to ZigBee wireless networks. This kit includes many of the parts and pieces you will need to work through the examples in the book. If you're serious about learning everything you need to know about XBee networks, this kit and the book will get you up to speed in no time (or as long as it takes you to get through the book).

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Compared to the single mode optic fibers, these multimode optic fibers allow for a higher bandwidth.
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