LED Kits/Displays

ABRA has a vast inventory of LED/Display electronic kits for teachers, students and hobbyists. If you are a teacher looking for the appropriate kits for your classroom, call our knowledgeable staff for quantity prices and recommendations.
This low cost simple LED Flasher Kit is the ideal fun project for introducing students to basic electronics. Its silk screened component layout on the PCB...
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Simple, Straightforward and no nonsense soldering practice kit! Simply follow the basic manual or skip to the schematic diagram and assemble this led Ripple/Flash board based on the 555 timer and CD4017 IC. This board should be fairly easy to assemble and offers a functional circuit which will also demonstrate if your soldering skills have improved.
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This fun Audio Visualizer utilizes a CD4017 logic IC to produce audio visualization based on the input through the microphone. It comes with a seven page colored manual illustrating step by step instructions. Teachers love this kit. Students will enhance their soldering skills on a high quality PCB, and end up with something fun.

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Simply follow the basic manual or skip to the schematic diagram and assemble this led Ripple/Flash board based on the 555 timer and CD4017BE IC. Reuse the ICs for creating other circuits such as a follower using a LED Vu Meter on breadboard. Hack the board to create a Night Rider Circuit or anything else you might want to use for the future, the system should be fairly easy to assembly and offers a functional circuit which will also demonstrate if your soldering skills have improved.
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ABRA's best selling LED Flasher Kit is the ideal fun project for introducing students to basic electronics. It's silk screened component layout on the PCB makes it a favorite in the classroom.

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