VK2828U7G5LF TTL Ublox GPS module with antenna
This board is embedding GPS module and antenna in a small foot-print module. You can wire it to an Arduino or Raspberry Pi to retrieve geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude, altitude), speed, heading and GMT time. Just plug it in and USB to Serial Adapter, open a Serial Monitor, and it’ll start sending coordinates to the computer! The update rate is an important performance index of a GPS receiver. Most GPS in mobile phones provide an update rate of 1Hz, which means, only one set of data can be retrieved in one second. For GPS receivers with 1~10Hz, the data interval is reduced and thus can be used for more demanding applications (e.g. on fast-moving vehicles).
- 1Hz(default) ~ 10Hz output
- 9600bps(default) [support:4800 ,9600 ,19200 ,38400 ,57600 ,115200 ,230400 ,460800,921600] TTL serial interface
- 5v @ 30mA (support 3.3~5v)
- 56-Channel receiver
- Extremely high sensitivity: -161dBm
- Accuracy: 2.5m (Autonomous) / <2m[SBAS]
- Operating temperature: -40°C to 85°C
- Hot Start : 1s
- Warm Start : 28s
- Cold Start : 29s
- Module Size 28*28*8.6mm
- LED indicator
- Comes with cable connector
- VK2828U7G5LF Datasheet [ VK2828U7G5LF.pdf ]
- TinyGPS Library https://github.com/CainZ/V.KEL-GPS/
- Wiki https://www.dfrobot.com/wiki/index.php?title=GPS_Module_With_Enclosure_(SKU:TEL0094)