D.I.Y Neoway M590E GSM/GPRS Shield
This is an very inexpensive and pretty cool soldering kit. If you solder this board correctly you should have a valuable and functional GPS shield for your Arduino based projects. This GPS shield is based on the neoway M590E GPS that offers u.FL connection or a provided coiled antenna. You can send and receive data via UART or TTL both on 5V.
This board is designed for GSM spectrum of 900-1800MHZ.
Tutorial: http://www.instructables.com/id/GSMGPRS-Module-DIY-Kit/
- Voltage: 5V
- Frequency: 900 1800 MHz
- Stand by current: < 10 mA
- Working current: < 80 mA
- Baud: 9600 or change by sending AT+IPR=xxxx
- Interface: TTL
- Commands: Regular AT commands
- Connector: 5V GND TxD RxD
- Antenna: Please solder a copper wire to the board or use an IPEX socket
- Temperatures: -30 C to 80 C
- Functions: Send/receive SMS messages and GPRS data.