PSM-200 6V-24VDC PWM Controller Module
This PWM controller allows you to control the intensity of LEDs or the speed of any DC motors with a small knob.
This module can adjust the PWM duty cycle from 0% to 100%.
There’s a 3A fuse and a Power-On LED light directly on the circuit. Do not connect to AC power source.
This unit also has two momentary push buttons, when you press green the terminal block near the capacitor for output will be positive. When you press the red button the second terminal node will be positive and the one next to the capacitor will be negative.
The range of this 3-digit LED display is 000-100. For example, 055 is displayed to indicate that the PWM output duty cycle is 55%.
Input Supply Voltage: 6v – 24VDC
Max output power: 72 Watts
Current Range: 3A
Speed Range: 0 – 100%
Weight: 53g
Dimensions: 57 x 37 x 21 mm (L x W x H)