DC-DC Step Down Converter w/Voltage Display
This handy DC-DC step down converter module can supply an output up to 1.5A at 1.2 to 37 VDC. Input supply range is from 4.2 to 40 VDC as well as 0-20 VAC. Output voltage is adjustable by a single turn potentiometer w/knob. Output voltage is displayed on a 3 digit display.
- Type: LM317T adjustable regulator
- Input Voltage : 4.2 to 40 VDC (Input Terminal Block)
- Output Voltage : 1.2 to 37 VDC (Output Terminal Bock)
- Note: Input to Output minimal differential is 3.0 VDC
- Max Current : 1.5A
- Input and Output: Terminal blocks
- Display: 3 digit
- Size: 70 x 50 x 30 mm (L x W x H)