PSM-150 5-40VDC to 1.25-36 VDC 8A Stepdown Buck converter
This converter comes with a metal enclosure where you can remove the top. Designed to take a maximum voltage of 40v DC and step down to range of 1.25 to 36v DC. The output current that the system will take and output is set to 8 Amps. Adjust the potentiometer to get the voltage output required.
Note: You may need to rotate the potentiometer counter wise with the coil facing away from you in order to increase voltage and counter to reduce.
- Input voltage range: 5-40vdc
- Input max current: 7.5Amps
- Output voltage range: 1.25-36vdc
- Output current max: 8Amps (additional heatsink required)
- Type: Step down
- Dimensions: 70 x 40 x 30mm
- Operating Temperature: -40℃ to +85℃
- Operating frequency: 180KHz
- Conversion efficiency: 95%
- Short-circuit protection feature included
- Reverse connection protection feature included (for a short duration)