This ultrasonic range finder (MB1230) from Maxbotix offers increased sensitivity and a longer detection distance for small and medium sized targets.
The XL‑MaxSonar‑EZ3 has high noise tolerance and a narrow beam with more sensitivity than the MB1240.
The sensor is small in size, yet the high output acoustic power combined with continuously variable gain, real-time background automatic calibration, real-time waveform signature analysis, and real-time noise rejection algorithms results in virtually noise free distance readings for most users. This holds true even in the presence of many of the various acoustic or electrical noise sources. The XL‑MaxSonar‑EZ sensor line is factory calibrated to match the sensor beam patterns and provides a long range detection zone.
The XL series of this sensor features higher resolution, longer range, higher power output and better calibration when compared to the LV version.
The sensor provides very accurate readings from 0 to 765cm (0 to 25.1ft) with 1cm resolution. Finally, the PWM pin outputs a pulse-width representation of the range with a scale factor of 58us/cm. The Maxsonar-XL series is offered in the EZ0, EZ1, EZ2, EZ3, and EZ4 versions, each with progressively narrower beam angles allowing the sensor to match the application. Please see beam width characteristic explanation below under datasheet XL-Maxsonar-EZ3.
- 3.3V to 5V supply with very low average current draw
- High acoustic power output
- All interfaces are active simultaneously:
- RS-232 serial
- 0 to Vcc output range
- 9600 baud, 8-N-1
- Analog, (Vcc/1024) / cm
- Pulse Width
- RS-232 serial
- Real-time auto calibration and noise rejection for every ranging cycle
- Calibrated beam angle
- Object detection includes zero range objects
- Readings can occur up to every 100mS, (10-Hz rate)
- Free run operation can continually measure and output range information
- Triggered operation provides the range reading as desired
- Sensor operates at 42KHz