125 KHz RFID Card Reader Module
This module is compatible and will work with Arduino microcontrollers. This unit operates at 125KHz to read preprogrammed or empty RFID Cards that operate at the same frequency. It can be applied to your project for an interactive security module. It supports external antenna and has a maximum range of 50mm. It operates UART so have some ports readily available if you are planning to add some.
- Voltage: 5VDC
- Supports EM4100 Compatible Tags
- Supports External Antenna
- Less than 100ms Decoding Time
- Effective Distance: 50mm (MAX)
- UART Communication Protocol
- Dimensions: 38 x 18 x 12 mm (L x W x H)
- Arduino Guide: http://tronixstuff.com/2013/11/19/arduino-tutorials-chapter-15-rfid/