Triple-axis accelerometer with 3 analog outputs for X, Y and Z axis measurements on a 0.75"x0.75" breakout board.
The ADXL335 is the latest and greatest from Analog Devices. Runs from 1.8-3.6 volts (3.3 is suggested), with ratiometric output. That means that 0g measurement output is always at half of the supply voltage Vdd, -3g is at 0v and 3g is at Vdd with full scaling in between.
Fully assembled and tested. Comes with 6 pin 0.1" standard header in case you want to use it with a breadboard or perfboard. 4 x 0.125" mounting holes for easy attachment.
Dimensions (without header):
- Length:19mm/0.75in
- Width:19mm/0.75in
- Height:3.14mm/0.12in
- Weight:1.27g/0.04oz