The PTPROJ Visual Scientifics Projectile Launcher
Projectile launcher is used to study kinematic equations, and conversion between gravitational potential and kinetic energy. Students participate in an interactive experiment for measuring the muzzle velocity of the launcher to identify varying launch angles in order to quantify the initial kinetic energy of the projectile (ball). Using their velocity calculations, students then make predictions about where the ball will land.
The kit includes a projectile launcher, mounting hardware, ball, and a protractor with bob for hands-on learning, and has steel construction for durability. Steel is a good general-purpose material, with better weldability and increased rust resistance over wrought iron. The launcher’s 23-page instructions cover 3 to 4 hours of class and lab time, and include a main lab, “Inquiry-Led Activity to Experimentally Verify Projectile Equations,” and two extensions, “Technology-Based Verification of Theoretical Modeling” and “Using Experimental Results to Meet Design Criteria.” The instructions also contain safety information, general theory, classroom lessons, experiment set up diagrams, student lab book, 12 Next Generation Science Standards Concepts, and 10 Common Core Standards.
Kit Includes:
- Projectile launcher
- Mounting hardware
- Ball
- Protractor with bob
- Instructions
Overall Length: 7 inches
Overall Width: 7 inches
Overall Height: 3 inches
*The kit requires the PTBASE base for operation