CZ0125 SunFounder Super Starter Kit V3.0 for Raspberry Pi4B, Including 123-Page Instructions Book for Beginners
1.STEM EDUCATION KIT - Perfect choice for beginners to learn Raspberry Pi and electronics.
2.LEARN TO PROGRAMMING - Python code and C code are provided for beginner learn to programming.
3.17 PROJECTS PROVIDED - This starter kit provides a record 17 projects with diverse functions allowing for a dynamic creative experience.
4.STYLISH PACKAGING - A cool-blue plastic packaging box is included for easy and neat storage.
5.RAB HOLDER - Large enough for an Arduino Uno or Mega 2560, a Raspberry Pi, and a breadboard, convenient for making projects.
Raspberry Pi not included
This is a magical tool kit with various components inside for learning, which will lead you to the world of Raspberry Pi quickly. It includes 17 lessons, each containing the circuit connection, principles, Fritzing images and code explanations for you to learn Raspberry Pi from scratch. In addition, detailed introduction of the components is included in the manual and you can try some extension experiments by yourself after studying this kit.
17 Projects for Beginners
- Lesson 1 Blinking LED
- Lesson 2 Controlling an LED by a Button
- Lesson 3 Flowing LED Lights
- Lesson 4 Breathing LED
- Lesson 5 RGB LED
- Lesson 6 Buzzer
- Lesson 7 Relay
- Lesson 8 4N35
- Lesson 9 Ne555
- Lesson 10 Slide Switch
- Lesson 11 How to Drive a DC Motor
- Lesson 12 Rotary Encoder
- Lesson 13 Driving LEDs by 74HC595
- Lesson 14 Driving 7-Segment Display by 74HC595
- Lesson 15 Driving Dot-Matrix by 74HC595
- Lesson 16 LCD1602
- Lesson 17 ADXL345
Package Included
- 1 x Project Box
- 1 x T-Extension Board
- 1 x 40-Pin GPIO Cable
- 1 x User Manual
- 1 x 555 Timer IC
- 2 x Optocoupler (4N35)
- 2 x Shift Register (74HC595)
- 1 x L293D
- 1 x Accelerometer ADXL345
- 1 x Rotary Encoder
- 5 x Button
- 1 Set x Resistor (220Ω, 1kΩ, 10kΩ, 1MΩ, 5.1MΩ)
- 4 x Diode Rectifier
- 1 x Switch
- 1 x Potentiometer (50k)
- 1 x Power Supply Module
- 1 x LCD1602
- 1 x Dot Matrix Display (8*8)
- 2 x 7-Segment Display
- 1 x DC Motor
- 1 Set x LED (Red, White, Green, Yellow)
- 4 x NPN Transistor (PNP/NPN)
- 8 x Capacitor Ceramic (100nF/10nF)
- 1 x Breadboard
- 1 x Active Buzzer
- 1 x Relay
- 1 x Fan
- 65 x Male-to-Male Jumper Wire
- 20 x Female-to-Male Dupont Wire
- 2 x 5-Pin Anti-reverse Cable
- 1 x 9V Battery Buckle
- 1 Set x Screw
- 1 x RAB Holder
Tutorial link