The Parallax 572-28132 Boe-Bot Refresher Pack
Missing a few electronic parts for your Boe-Bot? Individual electronic parts can be purchased through our Robot Component Shop. Missing a lot of Boe-Bot electronic parts, or need a few parts for one Boe-Bot and a few different ones for another? Consider the Boe-Bot Refresher Pack. It's is the same bag of electronic parts that ships with brand new Boe-Bot Robot kits. Every sensor, wire, capacitor, resistor, LED, phototransistor and piezospeaker for each book activity is included in this pack. (Continuous rotation servos not included.)
Kit Contents:
- 2x 1 kΩ Resistor, 1/4 watt (#150-01020)
- 4x 10 kΩ Resistor 1/4 watt (#150-01030)
- 2x 2 kΩ Resistor, 1/4 watt (#150-02020)
- 8x 220 Ω Resistor 1/4 watt (#150-02210)
- 4x- 470 Ω Resistor 1/4 watt (#150-04710)
- 2x- 4.7k Ω Resistor 1/4 watt (#150-04720)
- 2x 0.0 1µF 50v Poly Capacitor (#200-01031)
- 2x 0.1 µF Mono Radial Capacitor (#200-01040)
- 2x Infrared LED (#350-00003)
- 2x Red LED (#350-00006)
- 2x Phototransistor (#350-00029)
- 2x Infrared Receiver (#350-00014)
- 2x LED Standoff for Infrared LED (#350-90000)
- 2x LED Light Shield for Infrared LED (#350-90001)
- 2x Tact Switch (#400-00002)
- 2x 3-pin Male/Male Header (#451-00303)
- 2x Whisker wires (#700-00056)
- 2x 3" Jumper Wires (1 Bag of 10) (#800-00016)
- 1x Piezospeaker (#900-00001)