Arduino Uno 9 In 1 Sensor Shield
If you are new to the Arduino platform, this Shield has it all! It can help you understand the basic concepts of different sensors, LEDs, Buzzers, Serial and I2C communications, switches and more! All you have to do is plug it on top of the Arduino UNO and upload the corresponding code to have fun!
- 2-way button module
- 2-way LED module
- Full Color LED Module
- IR receiver module
- Brightness sensor module
- LM35D temperature sensor module
- Passive buzzer module
- Rotary potentiometer module
- DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor module
- One I2C interface (A4 SDA, A5 SCL)
- One TTL serial port
- Two channel digital ports (D7, D8)
- One channel analog port (A3)
- Reset button