This is an action-packed and low-cost Arduino Kit. It includes all the components required to not only get you started, but also to allow you to deep-dive into more advanced components like RFIDs.
It does not include an instruction manual. However at this point Arduino is so popular that a Google search on how to use any component will result in many tutorials.
All components are packed in a re-usable sturdy plastic case.
Components in included this kit are:
1 X UNO Board with USB Cable
1 X 30-pin Male to Male Jumper Wires
1 X 20-pin Female to Male Jumper Wires
1 X 9V Battery Connector with DC Barrel
1 X Breadboard
30 X 5mm LEDs (various colors)
2 X Tilt Switches
3 X Photoresistors
5 X Tactile Buttons
1 X RGB LED Module
40 X 1/4 Watt Resistors (various values)
1 X 10Kohm Panel-mount Potentiometer
2 X Buzzers
1 X 74HC595 Shift Register IC
1 X LM35 TO-92 Temperature Sensor
1 X RGB LED Module
1 X 8x8 Dot Matrix LED Module
1 X Single-digit 7-segment LED Display
1 X Four-digit 7-segment LED Display
1 X Single-Channel Relay Module
1 X 4x4 Tactile Button Board
1 X XY Joystick Module
1 X Electret MIC Module
1 X DHT11 Humidity and Temperature Sensor Module
1 X ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Module
1 X 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor
1 X SG90 Servo Motor
1 X I2C 16x2 Character LCD
1 X Real-Time Clock Module (CR2032 battery is not included)
1 X Water-level Module
1 X RFID Module
1 X RFID Keychain
1 X RFID White Card
1 X Remote Control
1 X VS1838B Infrared Receiver
1 X Infrared LED