Arduino UNO Educational Kit with Manual

UL and CSA Approved

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This is ABRA's best introduction to the Arduino UNO used by hobbyists, students and especially teachers at the High School, College or University Level. This kit includes all the components needed to complete 27 different circuits, along with a 33 page illustrated color experimenter's guide booklet with examples and code.

Unlike almost all Arduino Educational Kits out there, this kit comes with a Power Supply with UL and CSA approval, which is a requirement for many schools.

What makes the ABRA Uno so unique is that it does not require an FTDI driver chip. Instead, it features the ATmega16U2 programmed as a USB-to-serial converter which makes it very easy to use and upload new programs. Unlike the inexpensive Arduino Uno which uses the CH340 Chipset that you can find on some online retail websites, this one offers no hassle or additional drivers to run. An excellent choice for beginners so they invest themselves much more in the coding and less on the driver configurations.


- A 33 page full size color printed copy manual means no need to flip between on-screen windows to complete projects.
- All components are nicely packaged in a high quality multi-compartment plastic box.
-A high quality UL and CSA approved wall adapter.
-ABRA's Arduino Rev 3 comes with a dip chip and not a SMD chip. So in case you manage to burn your Arduino Board, you just need to replace the MCU IC instead of buying a whole new board.

Kit Projects:

  1. Introduction to Arduino
    1.1 Installing Arduino
    1.2 Getting Started with IDE
    1.3 Adding Libraries
    1.4 Code Basics
  2. Projects
    2.1 LED blink
    2.2 LED Trailing Effect
    2.3 Traffic Light
    2.4 Controlling LED by Buttons
    2.5 Doorbell using active buzzer
    2.6 Responder Experiment
    2.7 RGB LED
    2.8 Tilt Switch (SENS-39)
    2.9 Controlling an LED by potentiometer
    2.10 Photoresistor (Photo-300)
    2.11 Servo (SG-90)
    2.12 1 digit 7-segment display (S-5101AS)
    2.13 LCD 16x2 with I2C (LCD-MOD-13)
    2.14 Thermistor (334-103)
    2.15 Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04)
    2.16 4x3 Keypad (419-ADA)
    2.17 Joystick PS2 (AM-JOYSTICK)
    2.18 Interfacing Shift Register (74HC595)
    2.19 Interfacing L293D Motor Driver (L293D)
    2.20 Rotary Encoder (AM-127)
    2.21 Remote control (WL-110)
    2.22 PIR sensor (SENS-PIR)
    2.23 Stepper motor with driver (MOT-28BYJ-48)
    2.24 Humidity sensor (SENS-DHT11-BB)
    2.25 Sound Detector
    2.26 RTC Module (ARD-DS-3231)
    2.27 Water level sensor (SENS-78)

Contents of Kit: Name of the Component Part number Quantity
1 Arduino UNO Board ABRAUNO 1
2 5V Relay SRD-5VDC-SL-C 1
3 Remote Control with IR Receiver WL-110 1
4 Servo Motor SG90 SG90 1
5 16x2 LCD Module with I2C LCD-MOD-13 1
6 Humidity Sensor Module SENS-DHT11-BB 1
7 PS2 Joystick Module AM-JOYSTICK 1
8 Power Supply Module PSM-297 1
9 Stepper Motor with Driver MOT-28BYJ48 1
10 Passive Buzzer BUZ-125 1
11 Active Buzzer BUZ-120 1
12 Breadboard ABRA-12-LC 1
13 1 Digit RED 7-Segment Display S-5101AS 1
14 Tilt Sensor Module SENS-39 1
15 Ultrasonic Sensor Module HC-SR04 1
16 4x3 Keypad 419-ADA 1
17 PIR Sensor SENS-PIR 1
18 Water Level Sensor Module SENS-78 1
19 RTC Module ARD-DS3231 1
20 Sound Sensor Module SENS-42 1
21 Small Button Switch PBS-315BK 5
22 Photoresistor PHOTO-300 2
23 NPN Transistor S8050 5
24 NPN Transistor PN2222A 5
25 1N4007 Diode 1N4007 1
26 Resistors (10,100,220,330,1K,2K,5K,10K,100K,1M)   100
27 10K Thermistor 334-103 1
28 5mm LED (Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, White)   25
30 Motor Driver L293D 1
31 Shift Register 74HC595 1
32 Capacitor (10uf50V) 10R50 2
33 Capacitor (100uf50V) 100R50 2
34 Ceramic Capacitor (22pf) CD220 5
35 Ceramic Capacitor (104) CD104 5
36 DC Motor Fan MOT-PROP-L 1
37 DC Motor MOT-500 1
38 Potentiometer P10K-MIN-PC 2
39 Rotary Encoder AM-127 1
40 Female to Male JW-MF-20-6 1
41 Male to Male JW-MM-20-6 1
42 9V AC Adapter PSC12R-090 1
43 Plastic Case CB-13 1
44 Resistor Card   1
45 Manual   1

ARD-UDU-KIT (Arduino_Educational_Kit.pdf, 5,749 Kb) [Download]

ARD-EDU-KIT_Francais (Manuel_Francais.pdf, 5,663 Kb) [Download]

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