The QFP32L “Pro Mini” is a variant of the LGT8F328P-LQFP32 microcontroller that is similar to ATMega328p, but with additional capabilities.
It possesses major superior features in comparison with the ATMega328p include:
- 5 Volt operation range
-An internal oscillator that runs at 32MHz
-8 PWM channels
-A system clock up to 32MHz
-Support for USART, SPI, I2C, TWI
-ADC & DAC modules
-2 x 8-Bit and 2 x 16-Bit Timer with frequency up to 64MHz
-A programmable Watch-dog timer
To install the board package on the Arduino IDE, paste the following link in front of “Additional Board Manager URLs” that can be found in File → Preferences: Master Package Pro Mini QFP32L
See also - Installation package download:
A translation to the datasheet for the 8-bit LGT8XM family containing information about the LGT8F328P is also available - see attachment.