LED-STRIP-14-5M Addressable RGB strip 60 LEDs/m black with WS2812B 5050 SMD-Waterproof 5 meters
This is a strip of WS2812b LEDs that are individually addressed to make light patterns. They require a controller like the Arduino to drive them and won’t light up if you just power them. They’re driven from 5V power instead of the usual 12V for non-addressable RGB strips, and will burn up if given more than 6V. Connectors are already soldered into, and the strip is encased in a silicone tubing sealed on both ends for waterproofing.
- Voltage rating: 5V
- Current rating: 60mA max per LED
- LED type: WS2812 5050 SMD
- Color: 8bits/channel, 24bit RGB
- LEDs/m: 60
- Cuttable after each LED
- Length: 5m
- Width: 10mm
- Included: mating female connector to loose wires for connection
- Waterproof rating: IP67
Arduino library: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_NeoPixel
HackaDay projects: https://hackaday.io/projects/tag/Neopixel/page/1