WAVE-29573, USB To RS232/485 Serial Cable, Original FT232RNL Chip
USB TO RS232/485 Serial Cable
FT232RNL | 2m cable | Stable Transmission | Multi-device Applicable | Multi-OS Compatible

This product is a USB to RS232 / RS485 serial cable, adopts original FT232RNL chip. Onboard power supply and signal indicators, supports 3.3V / 5V level and RS232 / RS485 communication switching. Built-in self-recovery fuse, ESD and IO protection diode circuits, etc.
PRODUCT TYPE: USB to RS232/485 serial cable
CHIP: Original FT232RNL chip
DEVICE PORT: RS232 / RS485 (switchable)
Connector: USB-A
Protection: Self-recovery fuse, ESD protection
Connector: 4PIN cable with female crimp connector
Protection: TVS tube, surge-suppress and ESD protection
Transmission mode: Point-to-point
Baud rate: 300bps ~ 921600bps
Connector: 4PIN cable with female crimp connector
Protection: 200W lightningproof, surge-suppress and ESD protection
Transmission mode: Point-to-multipoints
Baud rate: 300bps ~ 921600bps
PWR: Power indicator, lights up when there is USB connection and voltage is detected
TXD: TX indicator, lights up when the USB port sends data
RXD: RX indicator, lights up when the device port sends data back
CABLE: Black, PVC sheath, 2m cable length
Onboard Original Chip
Onboard original FT232RNL chip, providing better stability and compatibility

Multi System Support
Supports Mac, Linux, Android, Win11/10/8/7, etc.

Interface Introduction

Pinout Definition

5V: 5V Output for external devices
GND: Ground
A+/TX: RS485 differential signal positive A+ / RS232 TXD
B-/RX: RS485 differential signal negative B- / RS232 RXD

WIKI: www.waveshare.com/wiki/USB_TO_RS232/485_(C)