MakePython ESP32 Dev Kit / Starter Kit
This ESP32 Kit is a proper development kit for ESP32 MicroPython programming. Besides the MakePython ESP32 board, this kit includes the basic electronic components & modules for the learners to begin the programming. With the 12 experiments in the guide, the readers will be able to make simple electronic projects with MicroPython on ESP32, and the basic knowledge& setting up of IoT projects.
Ultrasonic Ranging:
Temperature Monitor DS18B20:
Displays Temperature and Humidity in Any Browser:
DIY Circuit on Breadboard:
Servo Motor:

Analog/Digital Converter:

Package List:
- 1 x MakePython ESP32
- 1 x Ultrasonic ranging module
- 1 x Temperature and humidity sensor
- 1 x Buzzer module
- 1 x DS18B20 module
- 1 x Infrared module
- 1 x Potentiometer
- 1 x WS2812 module
- 1 x Sound sensor
- 1 x Vibration sensor
- 1 x Photosensitive resistance module
- 1 x Pulse sensor
- 1 x Servo motor
- 1 x USB cable
- 2 x Button
- 2 x Breadboard
- 45 x Jump wire
- 10 x Resistance 330R
- 10 x Red LED
- 10 x Green LED