The AXE050U PICAXE-18M2 Tutorial Kit is based on the PICAXE-18 Tutorial Board (AXE049), and targeted at schools and general educational purposes.
It may also be utilised as a convenient tool for self studying and learning by experimenting.
The PICAXE-18M2 Tutorial Kit includes the tutorial board, PICAXE-18M2 microcontroller, AXE027download cable and a battery box. The software needed is free, so all extra you needto get started, is a computer and batteries. Furthermore, free training resources and tutorials are provided in the PICAXE manual (Part 1 - Getting Started).
The tutorial board comes assembled, and is supplied with both analogue and digital inputs, as well as a range of output devices.
Key features of the PICAXE-18 Tutorial Board (AXE049):
- PICAXE-18M2 microntroller and all necessary extra components for the PICAXE-18M2 to operate
- IC socket (to easily replace the PICAXE-18M2)
- LDR light sensor analogue input
- Two switches
- Two inputs (via solder pads)
- One 7 segment display, routed out to all 8 outputs
- Darlington driver output buffer on 4 of the outputs (via solder pads)
- Solder pads to allow a piezo and servo/serial LCD to be added
The PICAXE-18M2 Tutorial Kit can be used with any software application that supports the PICAXE hardware, including the easy to use flowcharting software Logicator for PICAXE and the free PICAXE Programming Editor.