RM-TS0619 5VDC 2 Channel Relay Module Expansion Board
This is a Bidirectional 2-channel HIGH and LOW-level trigger relay, apply to Arduino and Raspberry Pi. The module has good quality power relay, ultra-small package optocouplers, high power dielectric transistor, RED signal lights, double side military-grade PCB plate and works with full noises immunity and stable performance. It can be widely used in varieties of power control occasions. This comes with revised terminal blocks, no more screws terminals.
- Support control of 20A 14V DC and 20A 120V AC signals
- 5V 2-Channel Relay interface board and each one needs 15-20mA Driver Current
- HIGH-level and LOW-Level trigger, with indicator LEDs showing working status
- Dimensions: 5.5mm x 2.6mm x 1.5mm
Module interface:
1. The module’s control terminal: it has 19 lines of interfaces, all the interfaces can be directly lined out with wire, for the convenience.
2. DC+: Termination connected to positive electrodes of the external direct current power.
3. DC-: Termination connected to negative electrodes of the external DC power.
4. VRFF: Photoelectricity isolated controlling end refers to the earth wire.
5. If using a high electrical level to control: The signal shall connect to the negative electrode of the user’s control panel.
6. If using a low electrical level to control: The signal shall connect to the positive electrode of the user’s control panel.