This 5V 4-Channel Relay interface board can control various appliances, and other equipment with large currents. It can be controlled directly by Micro-controller (Raspberry Pi, Arduino, etc.).
Relays are the next best things to BJT Transistor switch! Why limit yourself in turning on or off a simple 5v tolerable led using your Micro-Controller, when you can use this relay board to turn on or off your 125VAC home Lights?! This relay module allows you to switch up to four devices with up to 10 Amps at 125VAC.
Connect VCC @ 5V and GND to the six position connector for relay power.
Connect your microcontroller control pins to the IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4 connector contacts to turn on the
corresponding relay. Each relay has a terminal block with the center as the Common contact for the voltage to be switched. The right most terminal block contacts are Normally Closed as indicated by the white line connection. The left most terminal block contacts are Normally Open.