FS90R Micro 1.3kg.cm 360 Degree Continuous Rotation Servo
The FS90R is a micro-sized servo built for continuous rotation. At 6 V, it has a maximum rotation speed of around 130 RPM (no-load) and can produce up to 21 oz-in (1.5 kg-cm) of torque. The servo can be controlled using a direct connection to a single microcontroller I/O line without any additional electronics, which makes it a great miniature actuator for beginner robotics projects. The FS90R continuous rotation servo converts standard RC servo position pulses into continuous rotation speed. The default rest point is 1.5 ms, but this can be adjusted by using a small slotted screwdriver to turn the middle-point positioner. Pulse widths above the rest point result in counterclockwise rotation, with speed increasing as the pulse width increases; pulse widths below the rest point result in clockwise rotation, with speed increasing as the pulse width decreases. The servo has a 7″ (180 mm) lead that is terminated with a JR-style connector and includes additional servo horns and mounting hardware.
Dimensions: 23.2 × 12.5 × 22 mm
Weight: 9 g
Operating Speed : 0.12sec/60degree (4.8V) 0.10sec/60degree (6V)
Stall Torque : 1.3kg.cm/18.09oz.in(4.8V)
Operating Voltage : 4.8V~6V
Control System : Analog
Direction : CCW
Operating Angle : 360degree
Required Pulse : 900us-2100us
Bearing Type : None
Gear Type : Plastic
Motor Type : Metal Connector
Wire Length : 20 cm