The Pulsar 50-1505 is two flexible panel sheets of double sided copper for making flat PCB designs.
It will allow you to make the same high quality PCB's you are used to making with our .032" rigid laminate allowing for extremely fine trace pitch with etch times down to a minute (using our "Contact Etch" technique).
Kit contains two 8" x 10" panels of Double-sided copper and a .020" fiberglass "Carrier Board", used to transport small pieces of cut laminate through the TIA Applicator preventing wrinkle). You can, of course, use any household iron to transfer your circuit pattern if you prefer but it's highly recommended that you first calibrate the iron. See "Tech Support" button for "How To".
Even though this laminate is only .005" (the thickness of an ordinary sheet of printer paper) it has a level of regidity that allows for mounting through-hole or SMT discrete components with ease anywhere along the flex board and of course, the laminate cuts with scissors.
Wrap your next PCB around corners
Make flat ribbon Board-to-Board Interconnects
Design Custom Membrane Keypads