Contact Cleaners

ABRA has a vast inventory of Contact Cleaners from GC Electronics and MG Chemicals. We stock electrosolve, contact cleaner with silicones and poly phenyl ether, acrylic plastic, little bath and oxide scrubber.
19-1907 DE-OX-ID Contact Cleaner Lube Spray, Aerosol Can 4 oz. Cleaner Lube Spray Ultra-pure, designed to clean, protect, lubricate and improve...
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Protects gold for life. Improves conductivity. Safe on plastics. CARB Compliant formula.
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Safe on plastics, protects against oxidation. Cleans, lubricates, and protects. Removes oxidation. Contains electronic grade mineral oil for lubrication. Contains poly phenyl ether to provide contacts with long term protection from corrosion.
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Quickly penetrates and dissolves most soil types and non-ionic residues. A great general-purpose contact cleaner. Extremely flammable. Suitable for use in cleaning contacts, connectors, LEDs, PCBs, components, circuit breakers, tuners, and microprocessors. Fast dry, Safe on plastics, Zero residue.
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Quickly penetrates and dissolves most soil types and non-ionic residues. A great general-purpose contact cleaner. Extremely flammable. Suitable for use in cleaning contacts, connectors, LEDs, PCBs, components, circuit breakers, tuners, and microprocessors. Fast dry, Safe on plastics, Zero residue.
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Suitable for use on tuners, switches, locks, contacts, office equipment, keyboards, plastic parts, mold releases, battery terminals, ignition systems, rubber gaskets, and telescoping antennas.
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