Plaques en Cuivre/ Plaques d'essais
ABRA stocks Breadboards, Printed Circuit Boards, Vero Boards, Pre-Punched Boards, GC Waldom Boards, Schmart Boards and many other types of boards all used by hobbyists, educational institutions and industry. Please pay particular attention to ABRA's own line of Breadboards and Printed Circuit Boards because of their excellent quality and low price.
- BusBoard
- Plaques de Montage avec Boîtier
- Plaques de Montage Divers
- Plaques de Montage en Cuivre
- Plaques de Montage Perforée
- Plaques d’Adaptions SMD au DIP
- Plaques d’Essais PLCC
- Plaques Experimental ABRA
- Plaques Experimental Alimentées
- Plaques Experimental Divers
- Plaques Experimental GLOBAL
- Plaques Experimental K&H
- Plaques Experimental Wish
- Plaques Pre-Sensibilisée Positive
- Produits de Réparation pour Cartes Imprimés