3D-T-006 E3DV6 M6/M7 x 22mm 3mm Filament Stainless Steel Throat with Teflon Tube for 3D Extruder
The following is a stainless steel E3DV6 throat with Teflon PTFE tubing for additional protection. The Teflon helps prevent gradual wear of the tube against abrasive filaments (such as wood) and, because of its high melting point, it will work well at high temperatures with the stainless steel. Note that it has two different internal diameters. You must connect the M6 screw thread to the heat block and nozzle. As for the M7 screw thread, it must be connected to a Heat sink in which a PTFE tube with the filament is inserted. This product is only compatible with 3mm filaments.
Since this part is made to work with V6 extruder hot ends, we recommend getting any of the E3DV6 products on our website such as the FAN-E3D or the 3D-H-033.
- Thread: M6 (lower thread) and M7 (upper thread)
- Length: 22mm
- M6 Interior diameter: 3.2mm for 3mm filaments
- Weight: approx. 3g
- Material: Stainless steel
- Recommended maximum temperature: 240-260 °C