This is a package of 5 schools experimenter boards, which includes PCB, components and PICAXE-08M chip.


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A small self assembly board to allow rapid prototyping of PICAXE-14M2 circuits.
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A development kit to demonstrate the touch sensor capabilities of the PICAXE-18M2 microcontroller. Supports 4 touch sensors with 4 matching LED outputs. Self assembly kit (requires soldering) which includes the PICAXE-18M2 microcontroller.
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A self-assembly kit for the PICAXE-20X2 (included) for those wishing to interface and experiment with i2c devices including interfacing to Lego NXT sensors.
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Kit of parts to asssemble a PICAXE Connect board for use with XBee or GPS modules. Full kit including PCB and components. (Buy XBee, GPS, & PICAXE chips separately).
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This is based on the t4 Control Training Board (AXE055), that has been specifically designed to meet the requirements of the t4 Technology curriculum in Ireland. This starter kit includes both the training board, PICAXE-18X microcontroller, AXE027download cable and a power supply. The software needed is free, so all extra you need to get started, is a computer.

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This is a self-assembly kit, based on the PICAXE-20M2 Microcontroller. It includes both a training board, PICAXE-20M2 microcontroller, AXE027 download cable and a battery box. The software needed is free, so all extra you need to get started, is a computer and batteries. Furthermore, free training resources and tutorials are provided in the PICAXE manual.
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Stereo 3.5mm jack socket as used with PICAXE cable AXE026 or AXE027 for PICAXE programming.
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Supports 8 digital inputs, 8 darlington driver outputs and 4 analogue channels. Includes input/output ribbon cables (microcontroller not included). Add a L293D motor driver chip to add reversible motor output capabilities.
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This is designed to enable you to rapidly create a robot based upon a PICAXE-28X2 or Arduino controller. Simply push the shield onto your controller, connect your motors, sensors and servos and you can have a working robot within just a few minutes!
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This adapter allows easy connection of a PICAXE download cable to a prototyping breadboard.
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This is a five-pack set of complete self-assembly kits to build PICAXE Alarm projects. Each kit contains a PCB, PICAXE microcontroller and all components required to create a customisable alarm. The alarm responds to a number of user selectable inputs such as tilt switches or light sensors and activates a bicolour LED and piezo siren.

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This Tutorial Kit includes the tutorial board, PICAXE-18M2 microcontroller, AXE027download cable and a battery box. The software needed is free, so all extra you needto get started, is a computer and batteries. Furthermore, free training resources and tutorials are provided in the PICAXE manual (Part 1 - Getting Started).
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This is a compact but powerful, PICAXE-18M2+ microcontroller. This chip supports up to 16 inputs/outputs with 10 analogue/touch sensor channels.

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This is a compact but powerful, PICAXE microcontroller. This chip supports up to 18 inputs/outputs with 11 analogue/touch sensor channels.

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