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This is a white four digit seven segment 0.56 inch display with I2C backpack interface.
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This SHARP distance sensor bounces IR off objects to determine how far away they are. It returns an analog voltage that can be used to determine how close the nearest object is. Comes with 12" long 3-JST interface wire. These sensors are good for detection between 20cm-150cm. For over 1 m distance, we suggest using sonar sensors.
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This GPS antenna draws about 10mA and will give you an additional 28 dB of gain. It's got a 5 meter long cable so it will easily reach wherever you need it to. The antenna is magnetic so it will stick to the top of a car or truck (or any other steel structure).

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This breakout board features the easy-to-use MCP4725 12-bit DAC. Control it via I2C and send it the value you want it to output, and the VOUT pin will have it.
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The cable is easiest way ever to connect to your microcontroller/Raspberry Pi/WiFi router serial console port. Inside the big USB plug is a USB<->Serial conversion chip and at the end of the 36" cable are four wire - red power, black ground, white RX into USB port, and green TX out of the USB port. The power pin provides the 5V @ 500mA direct from the USB port and the RX/TX pins are 3.3V level for interfacing with the most common 3.3V logic level chipsets.

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It's 6" long and has 26 socket & wire sets. Pin #1 is marked with a red wire.
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There are 16 pins on the side, 8 on each, with 0.1" spacing so you can easily plug it into a breadboard with plenty of space to wire it up.
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64 yellow 235mcd LEDs are contained inside the plastic body, in an 8x8 matrix. 
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This is a pre-wired and waterproofed version of the DS18B20 sensor made with a PTFE wire cable.

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The MAX31855K does everything for you, and can be easily interfaced with any microcontroller, even one without an analog input. This breakout board has the chip itself, a 3.3V regulator with 10uF bypass capacitors and level shifting circuitry, all assembled and tested.

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The thumbstick is an analog joystick - more accurate and sensitive than just 'directional' joysticks - with a 'press in to select' button. Since it's analog, you'll need to analog reading pins on your microcontroller to determine X and Y. Having an extra digital input will let you read the switch. 
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The Adafruit panel current meter is handy device to have display when you want to monitor or view the current flow situation in a circuit application.  This panel meter requires a DC voltage to run, and then has two thick gauge wires to measure current draw. A shunt is already on board so its very easy to hook up!

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Build your own ambient-light addition for a monitor or media PC television with the Adalight project pack!. By running the Processing code on your computer, the halo of LEDs will follow the screen colors to provide an awesome ambient light display that adds pop to TV shows, movies or games! Works using open source Processing and Arduino - so it'll run on Mac, Windows or Linux computers!

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We've taken our popular Adafruit PN532 breakout board and turned it into a shield - the perfect tool for any 13.56MHz RFID or NFC application. The Adafruit NFC shield uses the PN532 chip-set (the most popular NFC chip on the market) and is what is embedded in pretty much every phone or device that does NFC. This chipset is very powerful, and can pretty much do it all, such as read and write to tags and cards, communicate with phones (say for payment processing), and 'act' like a NFC tag. While the controller has many capabilities, our Arduino library currently only supports reading/writing tags, and does not support phone-to-shield communication, tag emulation (which requires an external 'secure element' only available from NXP) or other more advanced features at this time.
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It's got everything you want and more: -165 dBm sensitivity, 10 Hz updates, 66 channels. 5V friendly design and only 20mA current draw. Breadboard friendly + two mounting holes. RTC battery-compatible. Built-in datalogging. PPS output on fix. Internal patch antenna + u.FL connector for external active antenna. Fix status LED. New! Version 3 comes with the latest module which has external antenna support and Pulse-Per-Second output.
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This is an assortment of the most common sensors used in electronics. 9 sensors and 3 additional components to interface with the 'analog world'.

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Dimensions: 48x29x21mm. Panel cutout: 45.5mm x 26.5mm. Digit size: 14mm/0.56" high, green LEDs. Refresh rate: about 2 Hz. Power specifications: 4.5V to 30V DC measurements. 0.1V precision. 3-4mA draw. Green LED display. Reverse polarity protected.
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It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air, and spits out a digital signal on the data pin (no analog input pins needed). Its fairly simple to use, but requires careful timing to grab data.
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It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air, and spits out a digital signal on the data pin (no analog input pins needed). Its fairly simple to use, but requires careful timing to grab data.
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Outside dimensions are: 1.43" x 3.35" x 0.8". Inside dimensions are: 1.40" x 3.30".
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This kit is for making your own breadboard-friendly very low dropout adjustable power supply.  A good power supply is essential to electronic projects. While there are many existing designs for adjustable power supplies, this one makes improvements that make it more useful for hobby designs.

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This clock kit is a open source platform for designing clock display and others. MONOCHRON® is a new clock kit from Adafruit! This easy kit is easily hackable to do whatever you wish, it's a clock platform - have fun! 128x64 LCD (KS0108) - we special-ordered the black and white display!

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By using simple i2c and SPI input/output expanders we have reduced the number of pins (only 2 pins are needed for i2c) while still making it easy to interface with the LCD.
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This breakout board has a microSD card slot for providing extra storage memory when required.

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These displays are small, only about 1" diameter, but very readable due to the high contrast of an OLED display. This display is made of 128x64 individual white OLED pixels, each one is turned on or off by the controller chip.
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This breakout has 4 BSS138 FETs with 10K pullups. It works down to 1.8V on the low side, and up to 10V on the high side.
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This breakout has a fine pitch (0.5mm) connector soldered onto it and it's broken out into the 4 resistive wires of the panel.
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This breakout AVR board is a prototype design with minimum components. We took the business-card-sized AVR target board from Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories and added a few components to make an AVR dev board that has only the bare minimums!

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This is a great battery-backed real time clock (RTC) that allows your microcontroller project to keep track of time even if it is reprogrammed, or if the power is lost. Perfect for datalogging, clock-building, time stamping, timers and alarms, etc.
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The FTDI Friend is a tweaked out FTDI FT232RL chip adapter. Sure, like the well-known FTDI cable, it can provide power to your project and there are 4 signal lines for sending data back and forth. But the Friend can do much more!
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Measures 20 cm x 15 cm (7.9" x 5.9"), about 0.5mm thick. Its covered in what seems to be PVC, the panel is thus spill proof - but note that the connector is NOT waterproof, just a bit of heatshrink. This isn't something we would suggest leaving outdoors for extended periods.
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Its a JST 2.5mm 'free hanging' cable assembly that latches strongly. One wire is marked with a white dashed line. You can't plug these in backwards.
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This is an inverter for EL wire and tape, similar to our pocket inverter, except it is a brick that takes 12V input instead of 2 AA batteries.
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This is an in-line wire one to four way splitter, where you can have multiple EL wires connected.

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Powers off of 2 AA batteries (not included!), it can drive 1 to 8 feet (about 2.5m) of our high-brightness EL wire for 10 hours. 
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Not only does it have a large 0.1" grid prototyping area but it also extends the Arduino pins to sturdy, secure, and dependable screw terminal blocks.
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Adding quality audio to an electronic project is surprisingly difficult. Here is a shield for Arduinos that solves this problem. It can play up to 22KHz, 12bit uncompressed audio files of any length. It's low cost, available as an easy-to-make kit.

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This is a USB Arduino compatiable kit with an ATmega328 chip. This development board acts just like an Arduino, and works with the latest Arduino software. 

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This is a DC plug Arduino compatible kit with an ATmega328 chip. This clone acts just like an Arduino, and works with the latest Arduino software. For many projects it can even be preferable! The kit includes all parts necessary, the assembly is straightforward and well documented.

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Make your own iPod/iPhone/GPS/etc... battery-pack and recharger! This project includes all the electronic parts necessary to build your own MintyBoost: a small & simple (but very powerful) USB charger for your iPod (or other mp3 player), camera, cell phone, and any other gadget you can plug into a USB port to charge.
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We wanted to make it easier for people to get these LCD into their projects so we devised a shield that lets you control a 16x2 Character LCD, up to 3 backlight pins AND 5 keypad pins using only the two I2C pins on the Arduino!
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The LEDs are individually addressable, so you can use it to display anything in a 9 x 14 grid. Scroll text, play games, display images, or anything else you want to do. This kit you will need to assembled / solder it together.
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The LEDs are individually addressable, so you can use it to display anything in a 9 x 14 grid. Scroll text, play games, display images, or anything else you want to do. This kit you will need to assembled / solder it together.
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The LEDs are individually addressable, so you can use it to display anything in a 9 x 14 grid. Scroll text, play games, display images, or anything else you want to do. This kit you will need to assembled/ solder it together.
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This is specifically designed for people who want to program Atmega328P's to turn them into Arduino bootloader chips using an AVR-ISP sketch, but it can also be used to make a 'standalone' AVR ISP programmer - so that you can program blank chips without a computer!

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This is a Lithium Ion and Lithium Polymer battery charger based on the MCP73833 device. It uses a USB mini-B for connection to any computer or 'USB wall adapter'. Charging is performed in three stages: first a preconditioning charge, then a constant-current fast charge and finally a constant-voltage trickle charge to keep the battery topped-up.
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Runs from 1.8-3.6 volts (3.3 is suggested), with ratiometric output. That means that 0g measurement output is always at half of the supply voltage Vdd, -3g is at 0v and 3g is at Vdd with full scaling in between. 0.75"x0.75".
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This one has an adjustable delay before firing (approx 0.3-18 seconds), adjustable sensitivity and we include a 1 foot (30 cm) cable with a socket so you can easily reposition the sensor or mount it using the two drills on either side.
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This is a nice way to add a small-distance proximity sensor to your microcontroller project.
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Piezo Speakers are used for making beeps, tones and alerts. This one is petite but loud! Drive it with 3-30V peak-to-peak square wave.
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This rotary encoder is the best of the best. It is a high quality 24-pulse encoder, with detents and a nice feel. It is panel mountable for placement in a box, or you can plug it into a breadboard (just cut/bend the two mechanical side tabs.) We also include a nice soft-touch knob with an arrow in it, fits perfectly and looks great.
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This keypad has 12 buttons, arranged in a telephone-line 3x4 grid. It's made of a thin, flexible membrane material with an adhesive backing (just remove the paper) so you can attach it to nearly anything. The keys are connected into a matrix, so you only need 7 microcontroller pins (3-columns and 4-rows) to scan through the pad.
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