Wemos Lolin

WEMOS is an IoT specialist that creates microcontrollers and breakout boards based on the ESPressif 32 and 8266. Internet of Things will allow the end user to connect multiple sensors and devices to create a mesh network of sensors and controllers, offering embedded computing devices in everyday objects. IoT can be confusing and requires detail knowledge of networking and microcontroller programming.

WEMOS simplifies this process by offering preprogrammed ESP devices that are already supported on the Arduino IDE, the only knowledge the end user requires is some familiarity using Arduino microcontrollers and programming using the Arduino IDE. The only dependencies are the libraries which can be found in the library manager of the Arduino Software! 

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This is the TTGO T8 development board integrated with ESP32-WROVER chip. The board contains inbuilt Bluetooth, WIFI,3D Antenna and SD card slot and runs on micropython firmware. This is one of the best boards that can establish connections between LORA and IOT. You can program these boards using the Arduino IDE environment.
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This is a PIR sensor module that supports ESP32 and ESP8266 IOT development boards. These Mini Passive Infrared Sensors work exactly like their bigger brothers, however they take about a fifth to half the size compared to its counterpart! PIR sensors are pyroelectric, meaning that when a motion is detected from the change in the infrared levels it will report active high signal to indicate presence of movement. When there is no movement it will be active low offering a 0v signal to indicate there is no movement near it. Once the unit is triggered you must wait 8 seconds for it to reset.
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This is the Dual band 8dBi gain Omni Directional antenna suitable for ESP8266 Mini D1 or ESP32 Wrover boards. It works at 2.45GHz & 5MHz frequency and comes with IPEX connector.
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This is an IR Sensor module which has 4 IR LED emitters and one IR receiver. With the help of this module, you can send and receiver data using IR communication. This Module is compatible with ESP32 and ESP8266 development boards.
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This is an ESP8266 WIFI module equipped with 4MB flash memory which is compactable with Arduino, MicroPhyton and NodeMCU boards. This module comes with female microUSB port and interfaces for connecting lipo battery. We can program this device using Arduino IDE or ISP programmer and directly control devices using the internet.
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The Wemos D1 mini Pro is a mini wifi board based on ESP-8266EX microcontroller. This multi-purpose board is a fully functional microcontroller (SCL, SDA, SCK, MISO, MOSI, TX, RX, Reset) with the added fonctionality of connecting to a wifi network. Thus, allowing you to create a full range of IoT projects and gadgets. The board runs off the very powerful Espresiff chip set with an on-board ceramic antenna and a dock for connecting another for better reception. The board runs at a 3.3V logic level but offers a 5V power pin.
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This kit comes with headers and pins along with a PCB board that allow you to plug your ESP8266 D1 Mini and access all its features for your custom project.
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This neat little shield mounts on the WEMOS-D1 Mini and allows the user to power the controller using a 3.7VDC LiPo Battery. It is not only capable of charging the battery but also powering the board with a micro USB cable or with any 5VDC power adapter. A resettable fuse triggers and shuts down the system when the amperage drawn exceeds 1A whenever there is a short or too much amperage drawn from the battery.
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The ALPHA 8F328P-U is an Arduino compatible development board. You can use Arduino IDE to burn your program (Check attachment tab for driver or Here or Here) . The MCU used by ALPHA 8F328P-U is LGT8F328P, a MEGA328P compatible chip. The USB chip used is the HT42B534-1. The 8F328D architecture design is relatively new, with a simple peripheral function makes it far stronger than the MEGA328 especially the programming encryption capability is far beyond that of the MEGA328.
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Understanding sensors and micro controllers is one of the best ways of learning how embedded electronics interacts with the natural (and maybe even supernatural) world. This kit is bursting with twelve breadboard friendly breadboards including sensors, LEDs, a relay, an LCD screen and the micro controller in addition to a prototyping board and jumpers. This jam-packed sensor kit contains all you need to get you started in the wonderful world of micro controllers and sensors.
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This is the latest version of the Wemos ESP8266 mini development board V3.0 based on ESP-8266EX microcontroller. It is a multi-purpose board that is a fully functional microcontroller (SCL, SDA, SCK, MISO, MOSI, TX, RX, Reset) with the added fonctionality of connecting to a wifi network. Thus, allowing you to create a full range of IoT projects and gadgets. The board runs off the very powerful Espresiff chip set with an on-board ceramic antenna and a dock for connecting another for better reception. The board runs at a 3.3V logic level but offers a 5V power pin. The programs are compiled using WEMOS XI expansion in Arduino.
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This is a Wemos esp32 DIY Weighing scale kit that is capable of measuring the weight of objects up to 1 kilogram . Once Calibrated properly, it can be very accurate (error of +- 1 gram). The kit includes all the cables and hardware necessary to start weighing objects! You can replace the load cell for a higher capacity reading up to 10KG! (you may need to reconfigure your HX711 driver). Check: SENS-10, SENS-5 or SEN-13329 on our website.
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The DS1307 serial real-time clock is a low power, small packaged yet powerful calendar. Data is transferred in Serial via I2C. The clock is capable of providing seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year data. The clock operates in either the 24-hour or 12- hour format with AM/PM indicator. In addition, the end of the month date is automatically adjusted for months with fewer than 31 days, including corrections for leap year. The DS1307 has a built-in power-sense circuit that detects power failures and automatically switches to the backup power supply. It is great to be used with your Arduino-related projects! Battery is included.
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This is an ESP8266 equipped with 32M of flash memory. It is compatible for NodeMCU board (Lua based ESP8266). The additional memory this unit has allows for bigger projects with complicated and large libraries. It features an onboard USB-TTL Serial converter (CH340G chip) and a Micro-USB female connector. It comes with two sets of 15 pins headers to give you the freedom of choosing whether soldering directly onto the pin holes for a more compact approach.
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The WeMos D1 Mini is based on the ESP8266 microcontroller with WiFi. This shield gives the WeMos D1 Mini the ability to accept power from 7 to 14Vdc via a 2.1mm DC jack or screw terminals that requires soldering. This board is excellent to run you WeMos mini without the need of a USB cable and supply currents up to 1Amp.
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