
Pimoroni stands for Pirate, Monkey, Robot, Ninja (Pi-Mo-Ro-Ni) and sounds like the name of an expensive Italian lager. It’s pronounced Pih-mo-row-knee. We carry a number of products from Pimoroni, including HATs, pHATs, SHIMs, Project Packs and mivro:bit modules.

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The PIM554 is a conveniently sized proto-board add-on for permanently attaching your custom circuits.
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The PIM545 is a 17x7 grid of individually controllable white LEDs accompanied by a quartet of useful buttons
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The PIM548 is a Wireless Pack able to attach to your Pico and give it access to 2.4GHz wireless networks as well as a microSD card slot.
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The PIM546 is a sparkly matrix for all your rainbow needs and some handy buttons for Raspberry Pi Pico!
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The PIM550 is a electronic adventure playground packed with physical computing goodies including an LCD screen, motor drivers, a mini breadboard, and much more.
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The PIM560 is a top-of-the-line RP2040-powered microcontroller with lots of flash memory, USB-C, STEMMA QT/Qwiic, etc.
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The MonkMakes Switch for micro:bit is a solid-state (no moving parts) switch that allows an output of a micro:bit to turn things on and off. This board can be used to switch low voltage devices such as light bulbs, a motor, a small heating element or even a string of 12V LED lighting. The voltage needs to be kept under 16V, but the switch will automatically protect itself against too much current.
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Monitor your world with Pimoroni's Enviro PHAT for Raspberry Pi! There are a whole bunch of fancy environmental sensors on these boards, and a gorgeous little full-color LCD to display your data. It's the perfect way to get started with citizen science and environmental monitoring - with a great UI and easy-to-use Python code.
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Connect your Raspberry Pi Zero or Pi Zero W directly to your computer for use as a USB Gadget device (USB Ethernet / Serial / Ethernet+Serial / etc.) or just for power. Works with all public versions of Raspberry Pi Zero.
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Now with SPI! Grow your projects on Breakout Garden. It's the easiest way to use breakouts with your Raspberry Pi. There's no soldering required, just pop up to six Pimoroni breakouts (4xI2C, 2xSPI) into the slots on Breakout Garden and get started coding and creating. It's ideal for prototyping projects without the need for complicated wiring, soldering, or breadboards, and you've always got the option of changing your setup thanks to the way that Breakout Garden works.
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This ADS1015 ADC (analog-to-digital converter) breakout has three channels that can read voltages from -24V to +24V at sampling rates up to 3.3KHz with 12-bit resolution. It's Raspberry Pi and Arduino-compatible, and ideal for measuring DC voltages quickly and precisely over a wide range of voltage.
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This light and proximity sensor detects light over a wide dynamic range (0.01 lux to 64,000 lux) and proximity within a short range of ~5cm.  The LTR-559 is the same sort of sensor that you'd find next to the camera in your phone to detect when it's next to your ear and when your phone should disable the touchscreen.
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This fancy optical flow sensor detects motion of surfaces in front of it, from ~80mm to infinity! It's great for DIY drone builds, and it's compatible with our new Breakout Garden HAT with SPI. The PMW3901 is a crafty little sensor that uses a low-resolution camera and some clever algorithms to detect motion of surfaces. A great use for it is detecting and correcting for drift of a drone by looking for x/y motion of the ground below.
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The MAX30105 breakout is a sophisticated heart rate, oximeter, and smoke/particle sensor. Use it as a fun way to see your heartbeat, or to make LEDs or lights pulse in time with your heart. <3 It's Raspberry Pi and Arduino-compatible. This sensor has three LED—green, red, and infra-red—and photodetectors that can be used together to detect the amount of light reflected back to the sensor.
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Unlike normal RGB colour sensors, with the AS7262 you'll get six bands of colour readings that roughly translate to red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Rainbow-y! The two on-board white LEDs mean that you can illuminate materials to give more accurate spectral readings and also measure reflectivity of surfaces. The LEDs we've used are really high quality ones with a CRI of >=90 and a colour temperature of 4,000K for consistent and accurate colour rendering.
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