The kit breaks out the connections on the Digispark development board and provides a small surface mount soldering area for building custom circuits.
This kit breaks out the connections on the Digispark development board and provides a small through hole soldering area for building custom circuits.
The Digispark Programming Tool is a USB switch with a female USB connector on one end, a proper male connector on the other, and a switch on the USB 5v power connection.
This kit breaks out the connections on the Digispark development board and provides screw terminal connectors for connecting wires to each i/o line as well as each of the three power pins.
The LCD Shield Kit allows you to build a Digispark shield which connects a 16x2 I2C LCD display to the Digispark development board. It communicates with the Digispark over the I2C bus and allows the Digispark to output text and characters such as sensor reading and debugging information.