Ce starter kit Arduino vous permet de tester toutes les fonctionnalités de base des cartes Arduino. Il comprend les composants les plus courants et utiles pour la réalisation des 15 projets décrits dans le livre qui l'accompagne. En partant du montage le plus simple vers des montages plus complexes, ce kit vous aide à contrôler le monde environnant à l'aide de capteurs et d'actionneurs.
Simply select the appropriate components, sensors and control elements for a project and experience the powerful Analog to Digital hardware interface and open source Processing Programming Language for Arduino Uno. Power for the Arduino is supplied through the USB cable while connected to a computer.
Specifications: Pins have 0.1" spacing. Pins are 10.5mm (0.42") in length. Kit Contains: Two 6 pin female headers. Two 8 pin female headers.
This shield allows for connectivity to a wireless module such as an Xbee, plus there is additional space on the board between the headers for prototyping. The Wireless SD shield allows an Arduino board to communicate wirelessly using a wireless module. It is based on the Xbee modules from Digi, but can use any module with the same footprint.